Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Maths Week 9

Week 9 Wed-Fri
We are going to explore tessellations (repeating patterns) in class this week.  Take some time with your child to help them look for tessellations around their home.  They could make a diagram of the tessellation to bring to class with them. Tessellations are particularly common in patterns of tiles. If you or your child has any brochures from a tiling company then could you send them to school please.
Mr C

Weekly Reflection Week 8

Three Goals this week:
Hands up to speak
5 or less/6
No one thought that we did this perfectly this week and we will keep this a focus for next week.

Use of pillows
The teacher has still had to remind people regularly about the correct use of pillows. If this continues next week the pillows will be taken away.

Use of technology
I thought the children did really well with this goal and we will continue to rotate the Apps we can use on the Ipad so that children are accessing lots of different games and becoming experts at it.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Taku kura (My school)

The photos are about our school. If you take a look these photos are of hope school.
The Maori words we learnt were:
We also looked into playing the card game fish in Maori! Cd Eb

Weekly Reflection Week 7

The only hat to use now is the Green Thinking Hat. Here is what the Green Hat is about:

Green Hat Thinking focuses on creativity & innovation: possibilities, alternatives, solutions, new ideas.

When Black Hat Thinking reveals faults, the Green Hat is used to remove these faults. When Black Hat Thinking points out difficulties, Green Hat Thinking tries to overcome these difficulties.
We used this strategy last week to create our new goals. We will reflect on these goals we made last week and see how we did. We scored in pairs not by ourself.

Class Goal:
  1. Hands up to ask or answer a question  
  2. score/votes  5=1/7=3/8=3/9=2/10=5
  3. We will use technology to help our learning   
  4. score/votes  7=2/8=3/9=4/10=10 
Our new goal is to follow the pillow usage rules.  

Monday, 18 March 2013

Thursday, 14 March 2013

The globe

The globe helps me find countries of the world. PH

Weekly Reflection Week 6

This week we are going to be using the Black Thinking Hat which gets us to make assessments on the things that may not be going so well. This then helps us to reflect and hopefully fix these problems in the coming weeks.

Here are the class ideas:
Classmates are not always using the Ipad Apps, desktop computer links, and blog links that Mr C has told us we are allowed to go on.
Classmates are calling out and forgetting to put their hands up.
Classmates have been found not completing their Reading tasks correctly (when they are supposed to be doing poetry, they find themselves staring a a computer).
Some people are finding it hard to keep their hands to themselves.
Not enough people have been blogging about their learning.
During tidy up times, Room 2 aren't completing the activity together like they should.
Some people in Room 2 are taking too ling to get back to class after the bell.
Some children are using boards as splashing tools in the pool.
Children's behaviour is not as good as it was at the start of the year (whistling, talking on the mat).

The kids have chosen the two ideas in bold and we are going to focus on this for next week.


In Room 2 we use nouns a lot. Here are some examples:
Ball/tree/pool/bags/playground/sandpit/bark/slide/cars        LZ

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Colonising Australia

The Gummy Bears had been making boats for our reading activity. It was awesome!


This term the gummy bears have bean working on boats very hard. We also have bean reading a book to go with it. The book is called colonising Australia. This is my boat. It is also in the gummy bear boats.

Colonising Australia

The gummy bears made some boats. We made them because when captain James Cook sited Australia he went to the government and told them about the country that he saw. This is Ezra's boat.

Gummy bear bouts

The boat's in this photo are boats that the reading group gummy bears made. Holly, Sophia and Ezra put a lot of effort into them and I really liked making them.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Favourite book week

We are bringing our favourite book this week to share with our Buzz Groups.

Weekly Reflection Week 5

Room 2 celebrated Purple Cake Day this week by wearing purple to school on Friday and donating a gold coin. We are learning some Kenyan children's games, we made delicious purple sprinkled iced cupcakes, and we placed our gold coins on the cupcakes outside Room 1.

Our reflection thinking hat this week is the Yellow Hat. It means we are thinking about the good points and some questions to guide us are:
Why is it worth doing?
You are able to give money and other people benefit from it.
Raising money so they can attend school and learn like us.
To give money away to other countries because they might be poor. It's good to give because it helps us to be nice and not be selfish.
It can help people who are in need to buy food.
How will it help us?
We learn about other cultures and, in our case, their Art forms.
It will make us feel good.
It helps us to be kind to other people.
It helps us to be respectful and kind.
Will it work?
It will work because there is always people in need.
There is always going to be natural disasters in the world.
There will always be war which effects lots of people in the world. 

Egg-cellent eggs by Room 2.

Can you recognise any of the possible artists?