Friday, 20 November 2015

Gymnastics Festival

Some Year 4 children entered the Nelson Gymnastics Competition. It was the first time Hope School had competed and they were all awesome. David Macintosh came 3rd overall in the Level 1 Boys, 1st on bar, Rylan Marshall came 1st on vault, Deven Andrews came 2nd on vault. David, Rylan, Deven and Edward Swain placed 3rd in the Team event. Well done to Emily Del-Favero and Monika Collins for entering in the girls Level 1.

Thursday, 15 October 2015


Room 2 are all geared up for tonights Mask Parade. Hope School is 101 Dalmatians! We have all been working hard on our masks and costumes. Don't we look cute! See you tonight at the Mask Parade. We are meeting at 4.45pm in the Montgomery Carpark

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Mr Pritchard's Farewell

After 31 years of being Principal of Hope School, it is time for Mr P to relax and enjoy his next adventure. Thank you Mr P for all you have done for the children, community and staff at Hope School xo
Mr P farewell 2-HD (720p) from Hope School on Vimeo.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

2D shapes with Marshmallows

Room 2 have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. They were lucky enough to get to make the shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows. They even got to sneak a few marshmallows!

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Making poi

We were very lucky to have Whaea Sue come into Room 4 and teach us how to make poi. Mrs Johnstone is teaching us some poi moves to go with some Maori waiata.


Monday, 10 August 2015

Gavin's Pet Rabbits

Gavin's got 2 new rabbits for his birthday.  They visited our classroom today and we all got to have cuddles!

Friday, 24 July 2015

Our Trip to Natureland

Room 2 and Room 4 were invited to visit Natureland and learn about keas.   We all had a great day and learnt heaps!

Natureland from Hope School on Vimeo.

Saturday, 13 June 2015


Room 2 have been learning about Healthy Eating.  For discovery this week they got to make fruit kebabs,  sandwiches, they peeled and chopped up carrots and celery and tried different dips.  Many of the children enjoyed using Mrs Wills' apple decorer!

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Discovery time in Room 2

The children enjoyed this weeks discovery activities; Autumn trees, duplo, lego and outside hockey.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Maths Challenge Monday 23rd March

Today I gave the kids a fraction snake activity. Eating snakes is a delicacy in some parts of the world. Three people (colours on the left side of the picture) have ordered a piece of this snake but they would like at least half of the piece to match their colour.
Here are the rules for the activity:
1) The snake must be cut up into three pieces (they do not have be even pieces).
2) The 3 recipients of the snake pieces must get at least half of their own colour in their piece. 
Good luck and if you solve start making your own that follow the same rules as this but are different patterns.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

06/03 Library Visit

Some the Reading Groups will have a focus over the next couple of weeks to start to discover what types of books they are interested in. It could be an author, a genre, or a specific topic. There choices in books should then begin to reflect what they are interested in. Begin or continue to discuss this idea with them at home when Reading.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Mission Menu Term 1 2015

You might have noticed that there are four possible days to share your Mission Menu on. This is a trial to see if it helps allow parents to be present at their child's presentation. Also, I am seeing if the children would like more presentation time. Now the only other thing to organise is what day you are going to share on. You can leave a comment on this page with your choice, fill out the form in the cloakroom with what day you would like to share, but check with your parents so they are able to come and see you share.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

2015 First Library Visit

I heard a lovely comment from an employee today. She said that she could clearly see that Hope School has a Library culture! 

Summer Reading Group Certificates

Awesome work and effort from these four room 2 students!

Egg-cellent eggs by Room 2.

Can you recognise any of the possible artists?