We are a class of 25 Year 2 and 3 students. This blog is used as a portal for the students to access out learning sites. We use Seesaw to share our learnings with our families.
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Blogging Success!
The last few weeks we have been doing the blogging buddies and people have been publishing alot! Check the blog to see them I have been making sure they blog on the right time and day we started two days earlier than the list but it has been great!
Munch and Crunch
It is a thing that we have in the afternoons on the mat. Mr c reds us a story whill we eat our leftover lunch. RM
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
This term we have been doing a lot of maths there are 4 groups called the days,hour,minuets and the seconds.
I am in the seconds it is the highest group out pf all well that's all from me by the way my name is Quintin.
Poppy and Phoebe
This is a picture of Poppy's creation on a wet rainy day at school.
She was making a house for all the green cars,bears and dinosaurs/animals. She has a very good imagination of making houses.I hope she hasint forgot to give them food.They are only visiter's to the town so they do not now the way around.
This is our class playing beep-buzz
Lately we have been playing beep buzz as a class.
How you play it is if the number is in the threes it will be a beep if the number is in the fives it will be a buzz and if the number is both it is a beep-buzz if u get it wrong you need to sit down.
Country bazaar Maia and Nate
Hi this is Maia and Nate. For maths we have been learning about if we brought 20 or 10 dollars to the country bazaar and we bought an item how much would we pay and how much would we get back
There is a picture of one of the work sheets that is Maia's.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Van Gogh art
Last term the class all tried to copy Van Goghs art. We were doing a technique of dashes and swirls. Our class tried really hard to get it perfect! JS And JD.
Friends Ellie and Greer
Me and Ellen have decied to make new friends and that Ellen would stop swearing to her friends. Me and Ellie loves mr c to let us have m and c. Me and Ellie love school,School Rules!
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Library Corner By David + Daniel
The Library Corner is a great place to learn reading and new words/information. It is also a great place to admire picture and enjoy stories. We hope you enjoy reading at The Library Corner! Bye Bye!
Class Rewards
This term we are doing class rewards. if we are good we get one class reward.
When the teacher comes in if we are quiet we get a class reward. If we get all five in one row we get a mini reward when we get all of them we get a big reward. Then we start again.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Mine craft on iPad mini
We have just got minecraft on the iPad mini's it is so cooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
By caleb and cam.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Blogging Times
We are going to have blogging times at certain times during the school day. Each person will have a buddie they share it with Timmy will be in charge of the times.
Class Rewards
We have got a new class reward system there are 25 on a piece of paper and we stick them on when we earn one.Every 5 class rewards we get a small reward getting worth more every time at the end there is a big one.
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Today the children discussed what they were going to do for their class reward that they earned last term. The class has to achieve 50 marbl...
Here are your choices Room 2.........don't choose lightly! They have to live with the name forever! Boys names: Sparky/Maurice/Spice ...
This week Hunter has set up a challenge to name his new Muscovy Ducks that he has acquired. He has one female and one male. Our challenge is...